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Crocodic, Mobile Apps Developer Company from Indonesia, is a active company which is developing mobile application since 2009. We realize that the trend of mobile application using will having a continously enhancement since we had already developed at the first time. So, we are consistent to be mobile application developer until now.

The increasing of the number of mobile application users – Android and iOS – in the last 2 years, could not be separated from the number of internet user. According to the Asosiasi Penyedia Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) data, Indonesian internet users have already reach 100 million users in 2015. Meanwhile, according to the Technesia data, there are 50 million of active-smartphone users in Indonesia and will reach 100 million in 2018.

With the Asean Economy Community (AEC), ASEAN market will be opened to the exchange of goods and services. AEC, starting in the early 2016, will increase the economic activity in ASEAN countries.

Therefore, now is the right time for your company to make a business investment and expansion. One of the elements which could accelerate your business expansion is the using of technology of mobile application. by reaching of mobile technology, you could build a channel to customers directly, engage, and understanding their behaviour. Of course, it is one of your big potency.

NOW is the time to intregate your business into the mobile technology.

Why Crocodic is worthy to be your partner as mobile application development company?

Because Crocodic is a legal-company which is having experience and character-service goal. Crocodic is not only expert to make a high-quality mobile applications, but also we are oriented to the impact of the application towards your company goal.

More than 20 of our superiority which could be your consideration before you are trust to choose us as your mobile application development partner. Learn more here

Do you want your company to grow exponentially?
Contact us now. Consultation provided.